Club Calendar
We rely heavily on the contribution of our wonderful parent volunteers. Each week, one age group will be asked to provide sufficient volunteers (nippers and parents) to assist with weekly preparations and the selling of raffle tickets to raise money for Junior funds, all proceeds from funds raised, comes back to the Juniors.
This is a weekly raffle which takes place on a Saturday afternoon, downstairs back at the Club, after Junior Nipper training and the weekly Club Swim. Children from the relevant age groups and a designated parent sell raffle tickets to Nipper parents and Bistro customers with the raffle being drawn between 5 and 5:30pm.
Set up & pack up of equipment for training is a big task and we ask for volunteers to assist in preparing the beach for training and then clearing away at the end of training. The last station/ area you are on is your Age Groups responsibility to pack up and as such all age groups will be required to assist with packing up. There will always be someone experienced to guide and supervise but many hands make light work!
There is a map and a guide to beach area setup in the trailer and normally consists of the following activities:
- Loading and unloading boards on to the trailer at the club and at the beach
- Loading and unloading storage areas at the Tower including surf cans and boards
- Raking out and setting up the flag pits, sprint tracks and relay change areas.
- Loading equipment into the trailer as directed, washing down boards and any other
equipment at the end of training. Securing equipment back at the club, washing out trailer
BBQ – Our regular sausage sizzle wouldn’t happen without the wonderful volunteers who race back to the club and start the BBQ ready for the hungry nippers coming back from training. We always need help on the BBQ and with taking money.
Your Age Group Leader will seek and nominate volunteer families from your child’s age group to cover the allocated weeks. Please plan to help the week you have been nominated; in the event you cannot help please discuss with your AGL to organise a replacement volunteer family. Age Group Leaders will work with parents to ensure there are people to undertake the jobs, and to provide details of setup/pack up procedures when it’s your turn.