November 9, 2022
November 30, 2022
Branch Carnival Saturday 26 November
A reminder that the first junior carnival of the year is being held at Seacliff on Saturday 26 November. This event will be a combination the four Holdfast Clubs (Glenelg, Somerton, Brighton and Seacliff).
The event will start earlier than our usual training, so we are asking nippers to arrive and check-in with their age groups from 1200 (midday), with activities set to start from 1300. A schedule of activities will be sent out shortly.
We’ll need plenty of hands-on deck to help setup to make the most of the day. An email will go out shortly to all nipper parents asking for help, and AGLs will also be reaching out to their individual groups.
Board Sale
The Club is selling some older fiberglass boards. These will be available on the 26 November, at the branch carnival. Prices will start from $30 depending on the condition.
Weekends Surf Co – Members Black Friday promotion.
Our amazing sponsors at Weekend Surf Co at Marion have done it again, with an exclusive 30-40% off just for members on Wednesday 23rd of November. Stock up on Xmas goodies with plenty of time to spare!

Nipper Water Safety Certificate
The Nipper Water Safety Certificate is back! This simple qualification enables parents and carers to help us with shallow water coverage each Saturday and potentially take the first step on the way to additional lifesaving qualifications. The certificate allows adult members to act as a Nipper Water Safety Assistants (NWSA’s) providing water safety for Under 10 and younger nipper activities, increasing our water cover capability at training and ensuring the kids have as much time as possible in the surf!
The first course of the year will be run in early December with two parts:
1. 45min meet and great and theory session on Thursday 1 December from 7-745pm at the Club; and
2. A 2hour session on the beach from 1030-1230pm on Saturday 3 December right before Nipper training.
You’ll learn how to use lifesaving floatation devices in shallow water (up to 30m off shore), and basic fitness. The ability to swim 50m is required.
The session on Saturday 3 December will also include the annual proficiency for existing NWSA’s which will consist of a short 30min session from 12-1230pm. Please click through to the registration page HERE
Surf swim training commences this Friday 11 November
A reminder that the Surf Swim is back on Friday afternoons from 445pm – 530pm. A great way to increase your child’s confidence in the surf making the most of an extended water session. Nippers must have completed their preliminary proficiency to attend. Please check the junior calendar here for further details.
Age Groups this weekend