November 16, 2022
December 7, 2022
Board Sale
The Club is selling some older fiberglass boards, and are ideal for a nippers already in the U11-13 year age groups or for a Nipper in the U10 age group. We have around 6 boards remaining between $30-$60, and they will need some work done to them (ie chips, dents, replacement handles).
If you are interested, please come to the club (back ramp) this Saturday at 1130. First in best dressed. Payment will be by credit card through the square
We will also have some older foamies available shortly – WATCH THIS SPACE !
Club Champs
This Saturday (3 December) is the first Club Champs of the season. The Junior Club Championships see Nippers involved in friendly competition against members of their own age-group and gender. Points are awarded to place getters in each event and ribbons are presented at the conclusion of the day for each event contested.
Try not miss this as the overall 2022/23 Junior Club Champions (both male and female) for each age group is determined by accumulating points for each nipper from both Club Championships and added to an additional one (1) point per Junior Carnival attended.
SHHH – Santa is coming !!
We have good intel that Santa will be making a visit to the Surf Club on the 10 December!!! Make sure you hang around after training if you want to the see the big man in red.

Surf swim training
A reminder that the Surf Swim is back on Friday afternoons from 445pm – 530pm. A great way to increase your child’s confidence in the surf making the most of an extended water session. Nippers must have completed their preliminary proficiency to attend. Please check the junior calendar here for further details.
First Surf SA State Carnival – Somerton
The first Surf SA state run carnival is next Sunday (11 December). The host club will be Somerton SLSC.
The carnival will be conducted as two (2) half day carnivals
- First will be U8-U10 which will start at 09:30, and aim to finish by 12:45
- March past will run from 13:00 to 13:30
- U11-U13 will start 13:30 and aim to finish by 17:00
- 2 person R&R: U11/12/13 only will be at 11:00 with U10 at 13:30
More details will follow next week
Age Groups this weekend