November 30, 2022
December 14, 2022
First Surf SA State Carnival – Somerton
The first Surf SA state run carnival is next Sunday (11 December). The host club will be Somerton SLSC.
Nippers will compete in divisions as set by AGLs and based on results collected from the season to date.
- Beach sprint
- Beach flags
- Surf Race
- Board Race
- Wade (U8-U10)
- Wade Relay (U8) – div 1 & 2
- Iron (U11-U13) – div 1 & 2 only
- March Past (non-divisional)
- R&R – U10/11 + U12/13 (non-divisional)
The carnival will be conducted as two (2) half day carnivals
- First will be U8-U10 which will start at 09:30, and aim to finish by 12:45
- March past will run from 13:00 to 13:30
- U11-U13 will start 13:30 and aim to finish by 17:00
- 2 person R&R: U11/12/13 only will be at 11:00 with U10 at 13:30
Please arrive promptly at the Seacliff Tent. While we know these events can sometime be delayed, it is important all competitors are ready at their allotted time. Please allow plenty of time to find parking as the area around Somerton week be busy particularly at the cross over time in the middle of the day!!
- U8 – 10 – Please be at the Seacliff Tent no later than 08:45 ready for a warm up at 09:00
- March Pass – Please be at the Seacliff Tent no later than 12:30 ready for marshalling at 12:45
- U11 – U13 – Please be at the Seacliff Tent no later than 13:00
Important things to note:
- Nippers must have completed their competition swim to be eligible to compete in water based activities (eg Surf Race and Boards)
- All competitors MUST have the following.
- Black competition scull cap
- White long sleeve UV top – preferably Seacliff branded
- Black broadbrimmed hat – preferably Seacliff branded
- Pink or Yellow high vis
The merch shop will be open on Saturday if you need to purchase any items.
Please also be aware, there is a new set of criteria for Junior Champions this year, and sporting behavior is one (1) of five (5) pillars that Surf SA will be scoring clubs on. Below are the pillars for your information, and the link to the SLSA sporting behaviors guidelines can be found HERE.

SHHH – Santa is coming !!
We have good intel that Santa will be making a visit to the Surf Club on the 10 December!!! Make sure you hang around after training if you want to the see the big man in red.

Surf swim training
A reminder that the Surf Swim is back on Friday afternoons from 445pm – 530pm. A great way to increase your child’s confidence in the surf making the most of an extended water session. Nippers must have completed their preliminary proficiency to attend. Please check the junior calendar here for further details.
Lions Cakes
The Club will be supporting the annual Lions Cakes sales this year. look out for more info in Bits and Pieces on how to get involved.
Age Groups this Saturday – 10 December