Becoming a surf lifesaver does not require a high level of fitness, but it does require commitment. Our primary function is to provide a life saving service to Seacliff beach in accordance with the charter of the Surf Life Saving Association of Australia (SLSA) and Surf Life Saving South Australia (SLSSA). Seacliff SLSC takes this responsibility seriously, and requires its members to accept the following obligations:

- Attend all rostered sessions & surf patrols – if you cannot attend a patrol you must notify your Patrol Captain or Vice Captain and arrange a substitute for your patrol. You will be expected to make up the hours missed on an alternative day.
- Update your annual proficiency – SLSA requires all lifesavers to complete this annual examination, patrol hours cannot be credited without this certification.
Patrols take two forms – a regular ‘public’ patrol on weekends and public holidays between October and March, and Junior Water Cover during Nipper training sessions.
Your preferences should be made known to the the Vice Captain upon becoming eligible to patrol, or via the annual patrols web survey run prior to each season.
Patrols Guidelines can be found here
Note the current patrol uniform features the DHL and Telstra logos (as shown below), must be worn whilst on Patrol.
If you have any queries regarding patrols, please contact our Vice Captain – Patrol Admin.
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